Books » Introductory
Paperback / $16.00 / 189 Pages / line drawings
In this recent book, written for the concerned Christian, Dr. Wilson seeks to discuss how God’s world works, our place in it, and how to assume leadership and dominion in the world. Written in friendly persuasive fashion, this book is enjoyable and inspirational.
Order OnlineHardcover / $40.00 / 749 Pages / line drawings
The popular 3 volume set of Book of Beginnings has now been repackaged in one deluxe book. The first section discusses creation, the fall and first age. The second deals with the flood and new world, and the third discusses the patriarchs and God’s plans for His people. The author intersperses frank comments on modern secular views with what the early passages in Genesis communicate to us. Numerous line drawings enhance the discussion.
Paperback / $14.00 / 158 Pages / black and white line drawings
Do genes, chromosomes and DNA seem way beyond your interests? The author not only makes them interesting and understandable, but he also places the details in the context of Scripture. Besides adults new to these topics, the book provides excellent supplemental discussion for students studying these issues.
Paperback / $14.00 / 160 Pages / black & white illustrations
This new book, in the same format as the “Exploring” series, introduces young people at the junior high level, to dinosaur, other reptile, bird and human fossils. The impact of the fall and the flood are important components of the discussion. Chapters include questions (with answers at the back of the book). Very nice.
Paperback / $8.00 / 63 Pages / full colour
Constructing Solid Arguments for Design
The author demonstrates why the idea of design is so important to a Christian worldview. Evolutionists of course deny that anything was designed, because otherwise a designer would be required. The author uses engineering concepts and other arguments to show that the key features of organisms did not just appear, but they were carefully chosen to fill a need. Recommended for high school and adult readers.
Paperback / $6.00 / 31 Pages / full colour
After a brief introduction to the scientific flaws in evolutionary theory, the author shows the importance of creation to Biblical doctrine and how all this affects morality and evangelism.
Hardcover / $18.00 / 88 Pages / full colour drawings
Divided into three sections: a discussion of dinosaur fossils in general, where and when they lived, early fossil discoveries and how to excavate such specimens. Secondly, specific details about many popular dinosaur species: their size, location of fossils and other interesting facts. The last section includes discussions of these creatures in the context of Biblical revelation. For youngsters aged 8 – 14.
Paperback / $15.00 / 233 Pages / black and white
Ideal for upper elementary and junior high readers (as well as any adults interested in fascinating insights), this book briefly describes features of living things which could potentially be copied by inventors today. A 2-page spread describes how specific organisms with interesting characteristics, can inspire our inventions. Three interesting questions are provided with each topic. These discussion starters go beyond the material provided. The answers are provided at the end of the book. A delightful way to expand one’s appreciation of creation!
Hardcover / $16.00 / 77 Pages / full colour
For too long we have concentrated on scary land based creatures. Those in the sea were more scary! (And more interesting). This book puts ocean monsters past and present into context: size, time, and significance. Interesting for all ages from junior high up. Beautifully illustrated.
Hardcover / $26.00 / 262 Pages / full colour
Many shortcomings of the fossil record for evolution are beautifully demonstrated with diagrams, charts, photographs and other illustrations. This full colour hard cover book presents its argument in a way that is easily grasped without a lot of reading of complex ideas. Recommended for junior high and high school levels.
Another fascinating book for junior high readers. Following in the footsteps of early explorers, we look at interesting features of our globe such as wind, currents in the sea, the tides, earth’s magnetic field, rocks, glaciers, and river systems. Later we move to the atmosphere and exploration by hot air balloon, airplanes and space vehicles. Thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter make this book suitable for geography and social studies (history).
Paperback / $14.00 / 163 Pages / line drawings
Another fascinating book for junior high readers. Following in the footsteps of early explorers, we look at interesting features of our globe such as wind, currents in the sea, the tides, earth’s magnetic field, rocks, glaciers, and river systems. Later we move to the atmosphere and exploration by hot air balloon, airplanes and space vehicles. Thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter make this book suitable for geography and social studies (history).
Paperback / $14.00 / 160 Pages / line drawings
This is a high quality book for junior high readers. It traces the history of medicine in a most interesting manner. The emphasis is on asking questions and carrying out direct observations. Questions at the end of each chapter make this book very suitable for social studies or life science classes as well as a fascinating read.