One of the pleasures of staffing a book table are the conversations that happen with people looking at the resources. On many occasions, individuals have requested an introduction to creation. Before responding, I have often inquired what the person’s interests are. If the person is interested in physics and mathematics, or in apologetics, there might be little point in showing them a work on fossils, for example. In the 1970s and 1980s, there were general introductory books like Scientific Creationism and What is Creation Science? But that was then, and this is now. There are many areas of science that were not even contemplated then, but which we have to deal with today. The good news now is that some general introductory works have appeared which can be very helpful to many people seeking insights into the issues.
One work, published by Institute for Creation Research is entitled Creation Basics and Beyond: An In-Depth Look at Science, Origins and Evolution. There are multiple authors listed beginning with Henry Morris III. This book is well organized. Firstly, they start with apologetics or worldview so that there is no confusion about the foundational nature of Scripture to all the arguments. Next we find a section on biology entitled “Created Kinds or Common Ancestry?” I particularly liked chapters 25 and 26 by Jeffrey Tomkins. These deal with technical issues on human chromosome 2 and origin of life theories. I thought these discussions were particularly clear and well documented. However, it would have been helpful to include more illustrations.
The next section dealt with “Geology: Recent Flood or Millions of Years?” The inclusion of this section shows how comprehensive this book is. In this section we find discussions on the nature of the flood, catastrophic plate tectonics, radiometric dating and the ice age. The chapters on the flood however are poorly documented so that readers who are looking for further information may have a more difficult time accessing suitable references. The list of references under radiometric dating however makes up for some of these deficiencies as some of the scientists were involved in both projects.
The last two sections are “Dinosaurs and Man” (and did birds develop from dinosaurs?) and “Astronomy: Created Cosmos or the Big Bang?” It is evident from the list of sections that this book really is quite comprehensive and can serve to point people toward other more detailed works within their areas of interest.
A similar book edited by Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge is entitled Glass House: Shattering the Myth of Evolution. This book too is divided into sections but mostly the chapters boil down to biology and apologetics. There are also chapters on dinosaurs and some other fossil related topics like whale evolution. I particularly liked chapter 11 by Alan White on the origin of life, and chapter 22 by Georgia Purdom on whether humans and chimps share a common ancestor. In both chapters the illustrations are particularly good and helpful to the discussion. The Glass House does not include a section on more general geology (Flood related) or astronomy so that it is not as comprehensive an introduction as Creation Basics but the illustrations make it every user friendly. Both books excel of course in their discussions of the impact of worldview.
These books therefore are a welcome addition to the titles available for those seeking good introductions to issues on origins of interest to Christians.
M.J. Masters
April 2020
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