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Demonstrates Authority and Accuracy

Demonstrates Authority and Accuracy


John Whitcomb and Henry Morris’ 1961 classic The Genesis Flood was, of course, a wonderful work. Countless people, among them many scientists, have been positively influenced by its message. In the ensuing half century however, a lot of new information and many new arguments against “the flood” have appeared. The time has long since come for an update of the 1961 work. Read the rest of this entry »

Do You Want to Think More Clearly?

Do You Want to Think More Clearly?


Jason Lisle, Ph.D., graduated in astronomy from the University of Colorado. After years of experience in teaching and conducting research in solar astrophysics, he wrote Taking Back Astronomy: the Heavens Declare Creation (2006) which was aimed at junior high to adult readers. Now he has written The Ultimate Proof of Creation: resolving the origins debate (2009). Read the rest of this entry »

Wonderful Taste of Evidences

Wonderful Taste of Evidences


Wouldn’t it be great if there were a small, easy to understand, nicely organized book about the global flood that could serve as a starting place for understanding this issue from a Biblical and scientific point of view?  Well look no further… Answers in Genesis has produced just that; a handy little book called “A Pocket Guide to… The Global Flood”. Read the rest of this entry »

Grand Introduction

Grand Introduction


A lot of books include the term design in their titles. Some however are too technical and others are perhaps too basic for the interested adult reader. A recently published book by Jonathan Sarfati entitled By Design: Evidence for Nature’s Intelligent Designer – the God of the Bible (Creation Book Publishers. 2008) promises to provide a more user friendly introduction to the topic.  Read the rest of this entry »

One of my favourite ways to spend a cold winter day is sitting on the couch with one child on each side and possibly a third on my lap while reading stories.  But with a daughter (5) who loves princess stories, and a son (3) who rates stories based on the quality of trucks in them, it can be difficult to find a story that we will all enjoy over and over.  However, since we first read “The Adventures of Arkie the Archaeopteryx” by Ryan Jaroncyk and “The Oxpecker and the Giraffe: I Need You and You Need Me” by Patrick Fitzpatrick, they both have asked for these stories again and again… much to my own delight. Read the rest of this entry »

Think Dinosaurs

Think Dinosaurs


Few youngsters can resist the excitement of those scary, but mysterious creatures called dinosaurs. Naturally there are lots of books about dinosaurs. Most are written with a young audience in mind. Some, of course, are better than others. While most of the dinosaur books published today feature wonderful illustrations, many of these books unfortunately interpret these creatures in an evolutionary context. Still, there are a number of dinosaur titles which promote a young earth view. Read the rest of this entry »

Where Culture Meets Science

Where Culture Meets Science


Dinosaur books are everywhere. There is no doubt about that. And you might well suppose that there is nothing new under the sun when it comes to discussions about dinosaurs. However Albertan Vance Nelson of Creation Truth Ministries has achieved the seemingly impossible. His argument about dinosaurs is new and fascinating. And the book is magnificent with beautiful illustrations from sites around the world. Also there are wonderful dinosaur reconstructions based on the latest scientific information.  Read the rest of this entry »

The Big History Book

The Big History Book


It went on and on. I kept pulling the panels out and there were more. This book is cool because it has real time lines. It goes from the creation in 4004 B.C. to 2001 when the iPod was invented (I’m not talking about the iPod Touch I mean the original iPod)! That is a lot of fast change!

The book tells us about the early people. We follow Bible history, world events, inventions/technology and civilizations/empires. We see what happened all at the same time. Stonehenge in England was built just after the flood. Most history books don’t tell us that. And it is funny to talk about, but sort of cool, that the yoyo was invented in 500 B.C. Read the rest of this entry »

First Catch Everybody’s Interest!

First Catch Everybody’s Interest!


Most people recognize that it is more fun to read a story than to plow through a text-book! Usually however the objectives of the two genres are different: the story is for enjoyment and the text for learning. There have been many stories written, however, to communicate an important message. Charles Dickens’ novels like Great Expectations, for example, spring to mind. So it is with Michael and Beverly Oard’s book Uncovering the Mysterious Woolly Mammoth: Life at the End of the Great Ice Age.

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This is a very welcome new book. Our catalogues provide beautifully illustrated books on fossils for young students of the junior high variety, but little for interested adults that is not highly technical. Here we find a nicely illustrated book with discussion at an adult, but not overwhelmingly technical level. On each topic, the authors firstly present the evolutionary argument and then they show how this conclusion does not actually represent the fossil description, location in the rocks and comparison with other fossils. Read the rest of this entry »

Book Review: The World of Animals

Book Review: The World of Animals


Every family, whether into science of not, should obtain a copy of this book for the sake of their children (upper elementary through high school). This deluxe book, The World of Animals, is a wonderful reference book which describes anatomy and ecological significance of the main groups of animals. Read the rest of this entry »

Young and older, learning together

Young and older, learning together


There are not many books written to appeal to, and to educate the whole family, from young children to adults. This however is one such book.  The purpose of this publication is to instruct everyone about the past history of the world’s first people, Adam and Eve. Each detail in the Genesis account is featured in a two page spread. Read the rest of this entry »

User Friendly Book on the Flood

User Friendly Book on the Flood


In many ways, the new book The Global Flood: Unlocking Earth’s Geologic History by John Morris, is a repackaging of Steven Austin’s (editor) book Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe. However the new book is written in non-technical language, with many more illustrative maps, diagrams and charts as well as many beautiful photographs. Thus for many people, this new title will prove very useful and popular indeed. Read the rest of this entry »

Vance Nelson’s beautiful new coffee table style book on fossils, Untold Secrets of Planet Earth: Flood Fossils, discusses aspects of the topic that will certainly be new to many readers. In addition the author adopts a chatty style which is readily understood by all. Complete with personal reminiscences and historical details concerning each topic, the author builds his discussion of each topic around spectacular illustrations. Read the rest of this entry »

Since the early 1990s, the Creation Science Association has published an alternative tour guide to the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta. This world class facility was built in large part to display fossils from western Canada, and particularly Alberta. Also a few fossils from the western United States are on display.

The museum has re-invented its displays many times over the years, probably in an effort to maintain public interest. Certainly there are a lot of interesting new fossil finds now on display. Initially many fossilized marine animals without backbones were on display as well as large land (and marine) reptiles. Now most of the beautiful marine creatures are gone. Also a large simulated scene at the far end of the Great Dinosaur Hall has long since been replaced by a presentation on horned dinosaur diversity and relationships. Read the rest of this entry »