For many years, in sponsoring Creation Weekend, our local association (CSAA or Creation Science Association of Alberta) has provided inspiration and information to audiences of all ages. The benefit from these weekends is training on how to be informed and enthusiastic, able to enjoy the insights that we hear, and to share those with others.
But do we need to be informed about science? Indeed, we do! At a time when influential scientists are seeking to eliminate all worldviews from the public square other than their own, Christians need to know where they stand. In this context, Dr. Kurt Wise has for many years promoted a Christian worldview on science. Dr. Wise has long insisted that the natural world can be known and should be known. God tells us that He made it, so we are confident that there is much value in collecting information from nature. God wants us to study His Creation. What everybody must understand however, declares Dr. Wise, is that the study of nature is reasonable and logical only when one approaches this discipline from a Biblical worldview. It is this eminent scientist, Dr. Kurt Wise, that CSAA is excited to present as our featured speaker for Creation Weekend October 25 and 26, 2024!!
Dr. Kurt Wise, Director of Creation Research at Truett McConnell University, fossil expert and Christian apologist, really needs little introduction. He is a well-known graduate from Harvard University in Paleontology where he interacted with many important names in science, especially in origins theories. He has since carried out research and mentored many young scientists, helping found the baraminology study group (which carries out research aimed at identifying the original kinds of creature at the creation). He also was one of the founding board members of the Creation Biology Society and the Creation Geology Society.
Dr. Wise has carried out fieldwork in early flood rocks in the Death Valley region, late Flood rocks in Wyoming and post-Flood caves in Tennessee. He wrote two widely acclaimed books: Faith, Form and Time (2002) and Something from Nothing (2004), both unfortunately out of print. However, in 2018, a new textbook on biology was published: Devotional Biology: Learning to Worship the Creator of Organisms. This text is nothing like other biology texts. It does not really seek to teach biology per se, but is a philosophical discussion on the significance of biological phenomena in the light of God’s Word.
In addition to the devotional emphasis, this book contains a plethora of fascinating information that is not readily found elsewhere. The appendix discussion on evolution and creation is exceptionally interesting. He starts by providing the arguments for evolution that one encounters in most high school and post-secondary courses. You can see how students in such classes are routinely bowled over and persuaded by these arguments. But it is not game over. He then shows what the preceding arguments failed to mention. Set, game and match to creation!!
Dr. Wise is so knowledgeable and his text is naturally valuable, but what price is good information worth? Nevertheless you can hear him in person, for free, in Edmonton, and glean some of these wonderful insights!
Our Required Response to the Awesome Creator, Friday and Saturday October 25 and 26 at venue: Providence Canadian Reformed Church, 12905 122 Avenue NW in Edmonton.
Presentations include Dinosaurs: Insights into Biblical History (especially perfect for youth and families); Broken Cycles (why there is no good scientific reason to reject the Bible’s claims of recent creation); and Compelling Creator (whom do we worship, the Creator or created things?)
Mark your calendar and see our website for details.
Creation Weekend 2024 Poster PDF
Creation Weekend 2024 Invitation PDF

August 2024
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