Books » Introductory
Hardcover / $18.00 / 88 Pages / full colour drawings
Divided into three sections: a discussion of dinosaur fossils in general, where and when they lived, early fossil discoveries and how to excavate such specimens. Secondly, specific details about many popular dinosaur species: their size, location of fossils and other interesting facts. The last section includes discussions of these creatures in the context of Biblical revelation. For youngsters aged 8 – 14.
Paperback / $14.00 / 160 Pages / line drawings
This is a high quality book for junior high readers. It traces the history of medicine in a most interesting manner. The emphasis is on asking questions and carrying out direct observations. Questions at the end of each chapter make this book very suitable for social studies or life science classes as well as a fascinating read.
Paperback / $7.00 / 113 Pages / line drawings
Translated by Allan Collitster and Mark Garvey. This book about wonderful design features in certain animals, has always been popular. However the animals themselves talk, in this new translation, in language certain to carry along the interest of young listeners. Animals discussed include whales, glowworms, earthworms, and other fascinating creatures.
Paperback / $8.00 / 107 Pages / line drawings
This book presents brief biographies of some key scientists of the past who sought to learn more about God by studying His Creation. Recommended for ages 10 – 14.
Order OnlineHardcover / $16.00 / 80 Pages / full colour illustrations
A spectacular introduction to astronomy for the junior high student. Everything from planets to supernovas is discussed in a young universe context.
Hardcover / $16.00 / 80 Pages / full colour
A spectacular introduction to the physics and biology of the deep oceans. This new title is in the popular Wonderful Creation series. Like the others, this book is ideal for junior high readers who are curious about something new.
Paperback / $14.00 / 160 Pages / line drawings
This book highlights the history of math with lots of super-interesting stories and fun math teasers. The discussion, which never gets tedious or dull, runs the gamut from the abacus to the microchip. For ages 12 and up.
Hardcover / $16.00 / 77 Pages / full colour
For too long we have concentrated on scary land based creatures. Those in the sea were more scary! (And more interesting). This book puts ocean monsters past and present into context: size, time, and significance. Interesting for all ages from junior high up. Beautifully illustrated.
Hardcover / $16.00 / 80 Pages / full colour
This lovely full colour book provides an introduction to the various groups of fossils. Learn how the Flood affected fossil formation, how to interpret the geological column, and about the formation of coal and oil. This book has a glossary and index which make it very user friendly.
Paperback / $14.00 / 158 Pages / line drawings
This is another title in the successful “Exploring” series written for junior high readers. The book features the same sorts of illustrations with the questions at the end of each chapter and answers at the back of the book. This is a user friendly book for readers who want to understand the basics of this topic, not the fancy details of quantum physics.
Hardcover / $18.00 / 125 Pages / full colour
The author shows that the popular idea of billions of years is unnecessary and that one need only look to the Creator to explain the orgin of the universe. Filled with fascinating photographs and illustrations for easy comprehension.
Order OnlineHardcover / $18.00 / 144 Pages / full colour
Much different from the previous edition, this new edition features considerable recent research, and a friendly style of writing. Excellent full colour illustrations contribute to a discussion that is interesting to the junior high level and up.
Paperback / $14.00 / 160 Pages / black & white illustrations
This new book, in the same format as the “Exploring” series, introduces young people at the junior high level, to dinosaur, other reptile, bird and human fossils. The impact of the fall and the flood are important components of the discussion. Chapters include questions (with answers at the back of the book). Very nice.
Hardcover / $26.00 / 262 Pages / full colour
Many shortcomings of the fossil record for evolution are beautifully demonstrated with diagrams, charts, photographs and other illustrations. This full colour hard cover book presents its argument in a way that is easily grasped without a lot of reading of complex ideas. Recommended for junior high and high school levels.