Books » Children
Hardcover / $18.00 / 80 Pages / coil with full colour drawings
Full colour pictures and rhyming text is used to depict events in the history of salvation. The rhymes proceed through the alphabet. Alternate pages provide discussion starters for parents. Recommended for pre-school to grade one children.
Hardcover / $18.00 / 123 Pages / full colour drawings
This is a two-part book. The first half features rhymes based on the letters of the alphabet paired together with funny drawings of dinosaurs. Alternate pages provide discussion starters for parents. Recommended for pre-school to grade one-age children.
Hardcover / $16.00 / 72 Pages / full colour drawings
A story brings to life what it must have been like in the unsettled climate after the Flood. Part two explains scientific causes for the Ice Age. Archaeological and fossil finds of the time are also illustrated and discussed. Recommended for grades five to seven.
Hardcover / $10.00 / 26 Pages / full colour
Very young children will love the thick cardboard pages, the full colour drawings and rhyming text plus the free musical CD which introduce the story of creation, the fall of man and God’s plan of salvation. Cardboard plus hard plastic handle for carrying.
Hardcover / $8.00 / 48 Pages / full colour
Topic: Creation and the Fall
This colourful little book with easy to read format provides children 6 – 12 years old with answers to important questions.
Hardcover / $8.00 / 48 Pages / full colour
Topic: Dinosaurs and the Flood of Noah
This colourful little book, as with its companion book Answers Book for Kids Volume 1, is written in an easy to read format and provides children 6 – 12 years old with answers to important questions.
Paperback / $12.00 / 76 Pages / black and white
This activity book provides hands on activities in nature, arithmetic calculations, word games, Scripture study and more. Four creatures of the boreal forest are featured. Highly recommended for families with children in grades 3 – 6 who are either in homeschool or classroom situations.
Paperback / $14.00 / 88 Pages / full colour
From High-speed Jets to Wind-up Toys. Excellent for grades 3 to 6 students, this book presents 20 exciting hands-on activities that will ignite curiosity about the wonderful world God has made. Investigate many physical science concepts through activites that you can do at home! A great book to enjoy with any young scientist!
Hardcover / $8.00 / 48 Pages / full colour
Topic: God and the Bible
Children aged 4 – 12 ask questions concerning God and the Bible, which the author answers in a friendly and age appropriate style. The full colour illustrations serve to make the readers comfortable and interested in the discussion.
Hardcover / $8.00 / 48 Pages / full colour
Topic: Sin, Salvation and the Christian Life.
Children aged 6 – 12 ask questions which the author answers in a friendly and age appropriate manner. The full colour illustrations with each topic beautifully enhance the discussion.
Hardcover / $15.00 / 64 Pages / full colour
Within these pages kids will uncover the facts about dinosaur history from the Creation to recent discoveries. From where dinosaurs lived to what scientists assume they know about these great creatures, dinosaurs have never been this exciting, revealing and simply amazing!
Hardcover / $5.00 / 10 Pages / board book, full colour
This small board book, cut in the shape of children, features youngsters from around the world. Their message is that differences in appearance and language came about after Babel, and we really are all brothers and sisters.
Hardcover / $20.00 / 0 Pages / full colour
A 5 metre fold-out time-line from creation to modern computers. Recommended for ages 7 – 12. It is easy to see who the contemporaries were at any time in the sweep of human history.
Hardcover / $18.00 / 23 Pages / full colour
This interactive book appeals to all ages. The illustrations are fun and the discussion very informative. This is your opportunity to explore the links between dragon myths and the reality of dinosaurs.
Hardcover / $16.00 / 56 Pages / full colour
Families will love this beautifully illustrated description of the events of the early chapters of Genesis and their significance. This book is a timely response among Christians over the validity of Genesis as actual history. Perfect for children and parents to build a biblical foundation.