Despite the fact that Edmonton suffered through periodic snowfalls from mid-September onward, the days before the Creation Weekend and on the weekend itself, were warmish and dry. As a result, a number of people were able to drive long distances to our sessions. Some people came from Grande Prairie, the Northwest Territories, northwest British Columbia, Calgary and far southern Alberta. Those from far and near all appreciated the sessions.
Teams of volunteers helped out by setting up the displays, staffing the book table, welcome (information) tables, and ushering. On the Friday evening, a club of young teens from a church in St. Albert performed duties such as ushering in a most professional manner. People at the book table were kept busy helping customers to find resources and re-stocking the table. Dr. Wilson’s first presentation is described elsewhere in this issue. On Saturday morning a team of people arrived very early to prepare food for complimentary light refreshments. Many people enjoyed coffee, muffins, fruit and yogurt before Dr. Wilson’s second presentation. CSAA’s annual general meeting was then held, followed by a catered luncheon. Most people said that they would not need to eat supper after that!
Finally, Dr. Wilson presented his last lecture of the weekend. His talk on ecology was accompanied by sound effects, and actions to accompany his remarks, and video clips, all to the delight of the audience. Following more informal discussions, the weekend came to a close. The whole event was a time of inspiration and blessing for many.
January 2019
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